
  • Counters & sinks
  • Shower & tub
  • Toilet (inside and out)
  • Floors
  • Glass shower doors
  • Light fixtures
  • Polish chrome
  • Mirrors
  • Cabinent exteriors
  • Dust baseboards
  • Empty trash


  • Countertops
  • Sink & Faucet
  • Small appliances
  • Microwave interior & exterior
  • Refrigerator top & exterior
  • Dishwasher front & Ovens
  • Cabinent exteriors
  • Stove
  • Empty trash
  • Floors and rugs
  • Patio doors

Bedrooms, Office Spaces & More

  • Dust ceiling fans
  • Remove cobwebs
  • Clean light fixtures
  • Glass tables
  • Lightswitch plates
  • Ash trays
  • Waste baskets
  • Dust:
    • Windowsills / windowframes / blinds
    • Shutters
    • Tables & chairs
    • Air vents
    • Baseboards
    • Framed photos

Move-ins & Move-outs

    Additional cleaning available:
  • Refrigerator interior
  • Oven interior
  • Kitchen & Bathroom cabinent interiors
  • Interiors of drawers
  • Fireplace interior
  • Closet shelves
  • Windows
  • Garage sweeping